R. Spurden Rutt
Organ from 1915
in Black River, Jamaice
2021 The organ is now under my service and prpared for an complete restoration
Edward Pfeifer 1904 Complete restoration 2011
Pfeifer had built organs in Germany before coming to America. In Kleinwolmsdorf, Saxony. He built 1904 a new pipe organand for Saint Paul Lutheran Church.
Hinners organ 1920
Complete restoration 2006
Prinzipal 8 Fuss
Gedackt 8 Fuss
Viola d´Gamba 8 Fuss
Prinzipal 4 Fuss
Octave 2 Fuss

Kilgen organ 1920 Complete restoration 2001
This instrument was built by the Kilgen company in about 1930. Many of the Kilgen organs are still present today and have been restored to service churches again for a long future. This organ was barely playable in 2001.
Jehmlich organ 2002
The new Jehmlich organ was installd in cooperation with Buschbeck Organbuilding at Saint James Lutheran church in Lexington Texas.
Traugott Wandke 1865 Complete restoration 2007
Principal 4 Fuss
Quinta 1 1/3 Fuss
Klein Gedeckt 4 Fuss
Gross Gedeckt 8 Fuss
Viola di Gamba 4 Fuss
Viola di Gamba 8 Fuss
Octave 2 Fuss
Regal 8 Fuss
Jehmlich organ 2006
Kerville, Texas
The new Jehmlich organ in First Prsbyterian Church in Kervill Texas with 51 stops
Wiederhold organ in Loebau, Texas
The organ was installed in 2008 from Jack Wiederhold and completely re-voiced from Buschbeck Organbuilding for its new location.
Henry Erben organ from 1835
Complete restored 1997
Wiederhold organ in Round Top Texas
The organ was installed in 2011 from Jack Wiederhold and completely re-voiced from Buschbeck Organbuilding for its new location.